Saturday, June 26, 2010

Beth Hoffman's Blog

Beth Hoffman, author of Saving CeeCee Honeycutt, has become a friend of mine over the last nine months, although we're only getting a chance to meet today, June 26th. But, here was her blog, at, before her appearance for Authors @ The Teague.

Heading for Authors at The Teague

For all my life I’ve loved libraries. Be they old or new, one story or an entire building, in a crowded city or on a country road, I always know I can walk into a library and spend hours browsing the shelves in peace. I also know that if I can’t find what I’m looking for or need a recommendation, a knowledgeable librarian will be more than happy to help me. With all the budget cuts that have hit libraries so hard, now, more than ever, I try to support them whenever I can. I can’t imagine a town without a library, and if we don’t take action, that just might happen.

During these scary economic times, I am especially excited and honored to be a guest author at the Velma Teague Library in Glendale, Arizona. Lesa Holstine, Library Branch Manager, was so kind in extending her invitation to me, and I gladly accepted. Velma Teague is a very special library; it’s the only one to receive the Arizona Governor’s Arts Award, and, it’s also the oldest library in the valley, serving book-loving residents since 1895. I can’t wait to meet Lesa, see the library, and talk to the attendees. I know we’ll have a terrific time.

Lesa Holstine writes a fabulous blog. She is a contributing book reviewer for Library Journal, Mystery Readers Journal, and various websites. Lesa’s Book Critiques is syndicated through Blogburst, and her reviews have been picked up by Reuters, USA Today and other distinguished news distributors. Winner of the 2009 and 2010 Spinetingler Awards for Best Reviewer, Lesa’s book reviews and author interviews are always hugely popular with publishers, readers, and authors alike. You can visit Lesa’s blog HERE.

This event is free and open to the public, and I’m looking forward to meeting the residents of Glendale and surrounding areas. So, if you’re in the neighborhood, please come to the library and say hello. Lesa Holstine and I have a wonderful event planned. And, I have a special surprise for Lesa!

Here’s the information:

June 26th (Saturday)

Authors at The Teague, Glendale, Arizona

7010 N. 58th Avenue

Glendale, AZ 85301



(I just know I'm going to love Beth when I meet her today!)